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Credenciamento de docentes
Processos Seletivos - Pós-Doc
Canal ouvidoria


De Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação

(Diferença entre revisões)
(9 edições intermediárias de um usuário não apresentadas)
Linha 1: Linha 1:
Linha 6: Linha 11:
Linha 16: Linha 23:
Having research as a formative principle, our Academic Master's aims to train professionals who favor the construction and reconstruction of knowledge in the area of education with autonomy, with the ability to critically analyze and understand different educational contexts and who promote the articulation between production and the dissemination of knowledge, axes considered fundamental to the intervention in reality itself.
Having research as a formative principle, our Academic Master's aims to train professionals who favor the construction and reconstruction of knowledge in the area of education with autonomy, with the ability to critically analyze and understand different educational contexts and who promote the articulation between production and the dissemination of knowledge, axes considered fundamental to the intervention in reality itself.
Linha 36: Linha 45:
Contribute to the debate and elaboration of alternatives for the improvement of basic and higher education in Brazil, in the Northeast and in Paraíba, through research and actions developed under the program.
Contribute to the debate and elaboration of alternatives for the improvement of basic and higher education in Brazil, in the Northeast and in Paraíba, through research and actions developed under the program.
'''Area of concentration'''
The PPGEd's area of concentration is education, which includes research related to school processes in their multiple aspects [historical, political, pedagogical, social, and (inter)cultural], especially in relation to the school and the school system, and also focuses on studies that address education in its non-formal dimension, with a strong dialog between education and related fields.
'''Lines of Research'''
Line 1: '''Educational History, Policy and Management'''
It includes studies and research related to the social constitution of the school, history, educational policy and management, and teacher education, taking into account the relations between the state and society in the processes of formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational policies and their impact on the management and organization of teaching, schools, levels and modalities of provision and teaching activities.
Line 2: '''Educational Practices and Diversity'''
This line includes studies and research on educational practices, socioeconomic, cultural, ethno-racial, generational, and gender differences and inequities at the national and regional levels, in school and out-of-school contexts. It addresses studies of practices, representations, and social identities; linguistic and literary practices; and new technologies in education.
The Academic Master's Course in Education is taught on a credit basis, with each credit representing 15 hours of instruction. The curricular structure of the master's includes a total of 28 credits, divided into:
08 credits for common required subjects;
12 credits for electives;
04 credits for research seminars in each research line;
04 credits for the dissertation.
The compulsory subjects (DO) must be taken by all students in the program and aim to provide common knowledge about Brazilian education and the production of knowledge, focusing on education and the integration and academic experience of master's students in education.
Mandatory subjects of the course are: Brazilian Education (4 credits) and Research and Education (4 credits). The research seminars (4 credits) are offered by Line and are designed to provide theoretical and methodological delineation of ongoing research. Two sets of research seminars are offered in the second semester of each academic year, composed of master's students and the professor(s) responsible for each line. This curricular component relies on the participation of researchers from UFCG and other universities, who can contribute to the analysis of the processes of knowledge production in the different topics of research in development and allow the exchange of experiences between professors and doctoral students in education.
Elective subjects (ED), in turn, are subjects that are included in the curriculum and can be chosen by doctoral students with the consent of the supervisor. This is a list of subjects offered periodically by the PPGEd, and the student must complete at least three subjects in this modality, for a total of 12 credits. These subjects aim at deepening the studies related to the topics studied in the dissertation and to address the areas of interest of the master's student. Equivalent subjects may be taken in other graduate programs in education or similar fields, provided they are recommended by CAPES and agreed upon with the master's student's advisor.
The electives (4 credits) included in the course syllabus are:
1. Educational Policy in Brazil;
2. Organization and management of education in Brazil;
3. Public School Studies in Brazil;
4. State, Society and Education;
5. Education and Teaching in Brazil;
6. Society, Diversity and Education;
7. Literacy and Education;
8. Identities, Diversity and Education;
9. Language, Education and Diversity;
10. Methodology of Higher Education;
11. Child education, culture and social interaction;
12. Economic-social education and Brazilian education;
13. Education and modern technologies.
'''Curriculum Structure/Disciplines'''
'''Mandatory Subjects:'''
1. Brazilian Education;
2.Research and Education;
3.Research Seminar - Line 1: Educational history, policy and management
4.Research Seminar - Line 2: Educational Practices and Diversity
1. Educational Policy in Brazil;
2.Organization and Management of Education in Brazil;
3. Public School Studies in Brazil;
4.State, Society and Education;
5.Education and Teaching in Brazil;
6.Society, Diversity and Education;
7. Literacy and Education;
8.Identities, Diversity and Education;
9.Language, Education and Diversity;
10.Methodology of Higher Education;
11.Education, culture and social interaction in childhood;
12. Economic-social education and Brazilian education;
13.Education and modern technologies.
Depending on the needs of the program, new subjects may be created in this modality, provided they are approved by the Course Collegiate. The compulsory and elective subjects, as well as the research seminars, are developed by one or two professors capable of teaching them, depending on the needs of the lines and disciplines.
'''Admission forms'''
The selection process for admission to the PPGEd is conducted once a year on the basis of a public call (separate public notice) that specifies, among other things, the standards, the evaluation criteria, the stages, the number of vacancies per line of research, the forms to be used for submitting documentation, and the timetable. In general, the selection process consists of the following steps: written test, presentation of a preliminary research project, and interview. Applicants must follow the publication of the guidelines and results of the selection procedures on the PPGEd website or contact the Program Secretariat through the following electronic address: educacao.mestrado.ppged@setor.ufcg.edu.br
'''Teaching staff'''
Line 1: Educational History, Policy and Management
'''Andréia Ferreira da Silva'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Post-Doctorate (March 2021- February 2022) State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil.
Email: silvaandreia@uol.com.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4771395P6 '''Access''']
Research areas: Society, state and educational policy. Management and organization of Brazilian education. Policies of training of teachers and other educational professionals. Policies of external evaluation of education and their consequences for the organization of schools, educational systems and for teaching activities.
'''Antonio Lisboa Leitao de Souza'''
Title: Doctor in Education (School of Education, University of São Paulo – Mar.2002)
Email: lisboaleitao@gmail.com.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4798366D9 '''Access''']
Research Areas: directs studies and research in education, philosophy, and politics, with emphasis on the following topics: Government and Education Policy; Labour and Teacher Education; Management and Evaluation of Education; Right to Education; Education, Resistance and Alternatives; Education and the Good Life; Indigenous and Quilombola Education; History of School Institutions.
'''Aparecida Carneiro Pires'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Post-Doctorate (2020) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Email: cidaufcg2017@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://lattes.cnpq.br/5613969088897311'''Access''']
Research areas: Higher Education, Elementary Education (children), History, Philosophy, Sociology, Body Culture, CAPES, commodification, evaluation, educational reforms, educational policy and management, and teacher education.
'''Carlos Augusto de Medeiros'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: camedeiros.bsb@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://lattes.cnpq.br/3616129907538617 '''Access''']
Research Areas: Works focused on educational policy, democratic management, public policy, participation and social policy, and militarization of public schools of basic education in Brazil.
'''Denise Xavier Torres'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: denise.xavier@professor.ufcg.edu.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://lattes.cnpq.br/6913539254861756 '''Access''']
Research Areas: Works as a researcher at the Center for Studies and Research in Rural Education, Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practices - NUPEFORP, focusing on educational policies and pedagogical practices in dealing with the semi-arid region; field teacher training; teaching processes and teaching knowledge; social peasant movements, curricula, teaching-learning processes, educational assessment with emphasis on learning assessment. Postcolonial
studies provide the theoretical foundation.
'''Joedson Brito dos Santos'''
Title: Doctor of Education
E-mail: joedson.santos@ufcg.edu.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://lattes.cnpq.br/8524800817745634 '''Access''']
Research Areas: Works mainly on the following topics: Education policy, basic education funding, basic education evaluation, early childhood education policy, and conditions for the provision of early childhood education.
'''Luciana Leandro da Silva'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: luleandro@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4718601Z7 '''Access''']
Research Areas: works with emphasis on the following topics: Public policy, teacher education, assessment policy, curriculum policy, educational reform, funding, internationalization and transnationalization in education, comparative education, and higher education pedagogy.
'''Maria do Socorro Silva'''
Title: Doctor of Education
E-mail: sucorrosilva@ufcg.edu.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4772199D5 '''Access''']
Research Areas: Directs research related to out-of-school educational processes, rural social movements; teacher education policy; curriculum policy and educational management; history, management, and pedagogical practices in rural education.
'''Melania Mendonca Rodrigues'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: melania.r@uol.com.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4778484J4 '''Access''']
Research areas: focused on state and educational policies, history of education, Brazilian education, policies for basic education in contemporary Brazil, history of public school in Brazil; training and teaching occupations.
'''Niedja Maria Ferreira de Lima'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Post-Doctorate (March 2021- February 2022) Federal University of São Carlos-Campus Sorocaba, UFSCAR-SO, Brazil.
Email: niedjafl@yahoo.com.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4709967A0 '''Access''']
Research areas: Deaf education; educational policy and history with emphasis on the topics: Teacher training; Training of professionals for deaf education; Public policy of inclusion; History of education and Brazilian public school.
'''Simone Vieira Batista'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: simone.vieira@professor.ufcg.edu.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://lattes.cnpq.br/7040010139326138 '''Access''']
Research areas: History of education and historiography; education and rural schools; psychopedagogy. Education, resistance and alternatives; memoirs, teachers and school educational practices in schools in Campo do Brejo Paraibano.
Line 2: Educational Practices and Diversity
'''André Augusto Diniz Lira'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Post-Doctorate (2017) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Brazil.
Post-Doctorate (2018-2019) Carlos Chagas Foundation, FCC, Brazil.
Email: andreaugustoufcg@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4772218Y0 '''Access''']
Research Areas: works with an emphasis on social and professional identities in education; theory of social representations and education; (auto)biographical research in education; bibliographical research on educational concepts. University Education.
'''Dalila Castelliano de Vasconcelos'''
Title: PhD in Social Psychology
Email: dalila_bal@hotmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://lattes.cnpq.br/0108130414374624 '''Access''']
Research areas: works mainly with educational psychology, human development and gender; neuroscience and early childhood education; gender, racism, early childhood and early childhood education;
'''Dorivaldo Alves Salustiano'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: dorivaldo.salustiano@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4797516U3 '''Access''']
Research areas: Disabilities, schooling, and human development; literacy acquisition and development of intellectually disabled people; diversity, difference, and (in)equality in schooling; social-historical psychology and activity theory in early childhood education and the early years of elementary school.
'''Fabiana Ramos'''
Title: Doctor of Linguistics
Email: fabiramos.ufcg@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4700009J6 '''Access''']
Research Areas: Portuguese language teaching and learning in primary education; literacy practices and teacher training; children's literature and reading education; reading practices and construction of teachers' professional identity in initial education;
'''Fernanda de Lourdes Almeida Leal'''
Title: Doctor in Sociology
Email: lealfernanda@uol.com.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4799896P4 '''Access''']
Research areas: Rural education; public policies for the provision of early childhood education and multigrade classes; and practices and processes of schooling of peasant populations; preparation and management of pedagogical proposals.
'''Katia Patricio Benevides Campos'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Email: katiapbcampos@hotmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4750992Y0 '''Access''']
Research areas: practices of childhood institutionalization ; curricula and pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education: interactions, games, languages, cultural experiences, space and time; school forms and social production of difference in inequality; learning and development of children with intellectual disabilities; Early Childhood Education in Cariri Paraibano.
'''Lucienio de Macedo Teixeira'''
Title: Doctor of Education
E-mail: lucienio.teixeira@ufcg.edu.br
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4734556D8 '''Access''']
Research areas: Digital technologies and education; esthetics in arts education; esthetics, art, and politics; art and higher education; sound, noise, and music in early childhood education; artistic languages in early childhood education.
'''Roziane Marinho Ribeiro'''
Title: Doctor of Linguistics
Email: rozianem@hotmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4797516Z5 '''Access''']
Research areas: Language and pedagogical practices; literacy and teacher education; literacy instruction practices in schools; literacy and literacy processes; linguistic content in textbooks; text genres and literacy practices; teaching orality/orality.
'''Maria das Graças Oliveira'''
Title: Doctor of Education
Post-Doctorate (2019 - 2020) Federal University of Paraíba, UFPB, Brazil.
Email: mariaeduc2013@gmail.com
Lattes Curriculum: [http://lattes.cnpq.br/8460227523466784 '''Access''']
Research areas: Early childhood education; relationship between the family and the public day care center; teaching and teaching conditions in early childhood education; pedagogical practices in early childhood education; internship in early childhood education.
'''Research Groups'''
'''Research Group on Educational Policy and Management'''
Institution: UFCG Leader(s): Andréia Ferreira da Silva and Melânia Mendonça
Area: Education http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/6990117769757611
Impact: through the research carried out, the collection of documents and the academic production and dissemination of the studies and research developed by its members, the group's activity will have an impact on: a) undergraduate and postgraduate courses - subsidizing courses and monographs for the completion of courses; b) public education systems - discussing and proposing educational policies and actions to be implemented by these systems; c) academic-scientific community - producing and accumulating knowledge related to educational policy and management in the State of Paraíba. The research group relies on the Laboratory for Studies and Research on Education Policy (LEPPE) as a base for conducting its studies and lines of research: curriculum, school education and teacher training Education: Relationship between the State and Civil Society Education Policy and Management Fundamentals.
'''Education, Resistance and Alternatives'''
Institution: UFCG
Leader: Antônio Lisboa Leitão de Souza
Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/1247585892085251
Impact: to contribute to the social and academic role of the UFCG through studies and research on topics and subjects in the field of education that allow, on the one hand, a greater critical understanding of reality and thus the accumulation and socialization of knowledge, and on the other hand, the collective construction of educational and socio-ecological alternatives in an
emancipatory perspective and the overcoming of order in search of the Good Life. In addition, the group aims to create a space for greater inter-institutional academic interaction and to network with other research groups at the regional, national and international levels, as well as with social movements and organizations interested in the issues under study. Likewise, the group proposes the process of designing, elaborating and/or consulting public policies in the field
of public education and social environment that can be implemented in the different administrative, governmental and institutional areas.
'''Group of Studies and Research in Educational Policies - GREPPE'''
Institution: UNICAMP
Leader(s): Theresa Maria de Freitas Adrião, Selma Borghi
Venco Member: Antônio Lisboa leitão de Souza (et all)
Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/7808868906883041
Impact: GREPPE has conducted inter-institutional research on education policy
at both the national and international levels, focusing on current relationships
between the public and private sectors in the provision, management, and
financing of basic education and the implications of these relationships for the
right to education; has advised civil society institutions in defending the right to
education; has trained researchers; and has presented its work for discussion
through participation in national and international events. It also organizes
research seminars with external and international guests to deepen the analysis
of the issues studied, and promotes the publication of its research results in
academic and scientific journals. It organizes the Latin American and African
Network of Researchers in the Privatization of Education (ReLAAPPe).
'''Higher education policy group'''
Institution: UFRN Leader(s): Alda Maria Duarte Araújo Castro, Antonio Cabral
Neto, Antônio Lisboa Leitão de Souza.
Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/9024755579174265
Impact: the work of the research group has contributed to deepen the theoretical
studies of higher education at the international, national and local levels.
Specifically in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the group has dedicated itself to
the study of local realities and their link with trends in educational policies. In this
sense, the group has published books, book chapters and articles in professional
journals, and has held events to share research results. Main research areas:
Education, policy and pedagogical practice.
'''Study and Research Group History of Education in Paraíba - HISTEDBR/PB'''
Institution: UFPB
Leader(s): Jean Carlo de Carvalho Costa, Mauricéia Ananias, Melânia
Mendonça Rodrigues
Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/7797921050797895
Impact: the research group has focus on historical research on education in
Paraíba. Since its inception, it has conducted an inventory and cataloging of
sources on the history of education in Paraíba and has published some of this
documentation, which has served as a basis for both the researchers of the group
itself and external researchers. With several PIBIC and PIVIC projects, a great
effort has been made for the training and qualification of new researchers from
the undergraduate level. The local group is linked to the national group: Study
and Research Group "History, Society and Education in Brazil" - HISTEDBR,
coordinated by Dr. Dermeval Saviani from the State College of Campinas -
'''Deaf Education, Libras and Deaf Literature'''
Institution: UFCG
Leader(s): Niedja Maria Ferreira de Lima and Shirley Barbosa das Neves Porto
Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/4321989238252307
Impact: This group aims to expand and deepen knowledge of the deaf, libras,
and deaf literature for teaching and teacher education, the history of education,
educational policy, and deaf literacy, text genres, analysis and descriptive
linguistics, didactics of language teaching; sign language productions,
adaptations, and translations.
'''Inclusion and Alterity'''
Institution: UFPB
Leader(s): Ana Dorziat Barbosa de Mélo and Niedja Maria Ferreira de Lima Area:
Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/6336764529792481
Impact: The group seeks to develop ongoing research on inclusion in public
network schools by reflecting on the need to consider educational practices as a
whole. In this way, it seeks to move beyond concepts based on the binomials of
regular school/special school, inclusion/segregation, disability/difference, etc.,
and moves toward a difference curriculum perspective. Thus, she hopes that the
research findings will make an important contribution to elementary education in
general and, in particular, to students with marked differences who are
traditionally considered to have disabilities.
'''Management, Curriculum and Educational Policies'''
Institution: UFPEL
Leader(s): Maria Cecilia Lorea Leite, Álvaro Luiz Moreira Hypolito, Luciana
Leandro da Silva
Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/7553642121885058
Impact: This group aims to contribute to the strengthening of the field of
curriculum and educational policy by generating knowledge in the areas of
planning, management and educational evaluation, the development of methods
for policy analysis and evaluation, the development of curricula and the
dissemination of methods for strategic planning with public institutions and non�governmental organizations. In this sense, contributions are proposed in the field
of evaluation of basic and higher education, higher education pedagogy,
curriculum policy, management and school power.
'''Group of Studies and Research in Public Policies, Education and Society- GPPES'''
Institution: UNICAMP
Leader(s): Gabriela Guarnieri de Campos Tebet, Antonio Carlos Dias Junior,
Luciana Leandro da Silva
Area: Sociology - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/2165174087004845
Impact: the group is a space for education, debate and research on education
policy at local, national, regional and international levels. It proposes to study
educational policies in Brazil and in other countries through the following
themes: the process of formulation, regulation and implementation of public
policies; institutional changes at different levels and modalities of the
educational system and school; the socio-political theories that deal with the
relationships between the state, society and education and the processes of
internationalization and participation of social movements; always from an
interdisciplinary perspective. The GPPE seeks to participate in bilateral
agreements and in national and international academic-scientific associations.
'''Art, Education and New Technologies'''
Institution: UFCG
Leader(s): Luciênio de Macêdo Teixeira, Paulo Matias de Figueiredo
Júnior Area: Linguistics, Letters and Arts; Art -
Impact: the group proposes to unravel the arts as a means and end for education
and to make the best use of the concepts associated with this relationship, as
well as a better understanding between media and art - theory - and its practical
application in media such as theater, dance, cinema/ TV /video, music,
photography and visual arts in general.
'''Unified Research Group in Arts and Music – GRUNAMUS'''
Institution: UFCG
Leader(s): Vladimir Alexandro Pereira Silva, Luciênio de Macêdo Teixeira
Area: Linguistics, Letters and Arts; Art
Impact: GRUNAMUS aims to develop research activities related to the arts in
general and to music in its most diverse fields, focusing on music interpretation
and analysis, music pedagogy, the relationship between music, cinema, theater,
literature, and technology, as well as to stimulate reflection, especially on aspects
related to the teaching of art, artistic performance, and art criticism in their
multiple configurations, and to support the activities of UFCG's extension,
undergraduate, and graduate programs.
'''Educational Practices and Literacy'''
Institution: UFCG
Leader(s): Maria de Fatima Alves, Dorivaldo Alves Salustiano, Fabiana Ramos
Members: Kátia Patrício Benevides Campos, Roziane Marinho Ribeiro Silvia
Roberta da Mota Rocha
Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/8648743368885284
Impact: The group aims to understand the ideas, actions, and meanings of the
educational practices of different social groups in situations of knowledge
production, especially in relation to the different domains of literacy. The research
developed may have an impact
1) in undergraduate and graduate programs - through the initial and/or continuing
training of their students and education professionals who work or will work in
social realities
2) in educational networks - through the analysis and/or elaboration of
educational policies and/or proposals; and
3) in the scientific community - through the access, production and dissemination
of knowledge.
'''Society, Culture and Education'''
Institution: UFCG
Leader(s): André Augusto Diniz Lira, Dorivaldo Alves Salustiano Area: Education
- http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/3565239562210531
Impact: the group develops studies and research in dialogue between
developmental psychology, social psychology and sociology of culture; due to its
interdisciplinary nature, it focuses on ethnic, racial and generational diversity and
inequality, on educational practises, on social representations and identities.
'''Group of studies and research on childhood, early childhood education and plural contexts – Grão'''
Institution: UFCG
Leader(s): Fernanda de Lourdes Almeida Leal, Kátia Patrício Benevides Campos
Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/3638472346696533
Impact: The group proposes to examine the supply and demand conditions of
rural early childhood education and related issues such as: Curriculum,
pedagogical practices and teacher training; Relationship between families and
early childhood education institutions; Children, contexts and subjectification
'''Diploma issuance'''
PPGEd degrees are issued by the Dean of Graduate Studies/PRPG at UFCG.
The PPGEd Secretariat is only responsible for reviewing the documents and
transmitting the process and subsequent delivery (after issuance) to the students.
'''Scholarships - General Information'''
The PPGEd has scholarships provided by the CAPES Social Demand Program - DS, whose objective is to train highly qualified human resources necessary for the country by providing stricto sensu graduate programs with adequate conditions for the development of their activities. The basic instrument of DS is the granting of scholarships to stricto sensu postgraduate programs, determined on the basis of the results of the monitoring and evaluation system coordinated by CAPES, so that they employ full-time students with excellent academic performance. The number of fellowships varies depending on the availability of CAPES and other funding institutions such as the government foundations supporting scientific and technological research and development. The criteria for the distribution of scholarships can be found in the relevant resolutions of the UFCG and the PPGEd itself ( Resolution PPGEd/UFCG no. 001/2019 - Granting and Renewal of Scholarships for PPGEd/UFCG Students). The scholarships have a maximum duration of 24 months for academic master's programs, and the scholarship holder must complete a teaching internship in accordance with the rules of CAPES.

Edição atual tal como às 18h10min de 19 de dezembro de 2022






The Graduate Program in Education (PPGEd) of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande campus , is the result of more than 35 years of experience in teaching, research and extension of the Academic Education Unit (UAEd), whose creation precedes the very institution of UFCG. UAEd has wide participation and leadership in Basic Education and Higher Education in the Northeast region, being one of the pioneers, in Brazil, to offer in the Pedagogy course the training of teachers to work in the early years of elementary school.

In this sense, the Academic Master's is characterized by theoreticalmethodological deepening in two lines of research: a) Educational History, Policy and Management; b) Educational Practices and Diversity. These Lines seek to meet, jointly, the commitment to the critical production of knowledge and the ethical-academic training of educators and researchers, aiming to contribute to the understanding and transformation of the Brazilian socio-educational reality, especially at the regional level.

Having research as a formative principle, our Academic Master's aims to train professionals who favor the construction and reconstruction of knowledge in the area of education with autonomy, with the ability to critically analyze and understand different educational contexts and who promote the articulation between production and the dissemination of knowledge, axes considered fundamental to the intervention in reality itself.


The PPGEd aims to:


Promote postgraduate training in education at the master's level, dedicated to critical knowledge production and ethical academic training of educators and researchers, in order to contribute to the transformation of the Brazilian socioeducational reality.


To train critical professionals with solid theoretical-methodological and didacticpedagogical foundations in the field to work in basic and higher education, in its phases and teaching modalities, as well as in other educational areas;

Promote studies and research in the field of educational history, policy and administration, with the aim of verticalizing knowledge about the social condition of schools, public policies and their impact on basic and higher education;

Promote studies and research on educational practices, diversity, and inequalities with the goal of deepening knowledge of socioeconomic, cultural, ethno-racial, generational, and gender dimensions at the national and regional levels in school and out-of-school contexts;

Contribute to the debate and elaboration of alternatives for the improvement of basic and higher education in Brazil, in the Northeast and in Paraíba, through research and actions developed under the program.

Area of concentration

The PPGEd's area of concentration is education, which includes research related to school processes in their multiple aspects [historical, political, pedagogical, social, and (inter)cultural], especially in relation to the school and the school system, and also focuses on studies that address education in its non-formal dimension, with a strong dialog between education and related fields.

Lines of Research

Line 1: Educational History, Policy and Management

It includes studies and research related to the social constitution of the school, history, educational policy and management, and teacher education, taking into account the relations between the state and society in the processes of formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational policies and their impact on the management and organization of teaching, schools, levels and modalities of provision and teaching activities.

Line 2: Educational Practices and Diversity

This line includes studies and research on educational practices, socioeconomic, cultural, ethno-racial, generational, and gender differences and inequities at the national and regional levels, in school and out-of-school contexts. It addresses studies of practices, representations, and social identities; linguistic and literary practices; and new technologies in education.


The Academic Master's Course in Education is taught on a credit basis, with each credit representing 15 hours of instruction. The curricular structure of the master's includes a total of 28 credits, divided into:

08 credits for common required subjects;

12 credits for electives;

04 credits for research seminars in each research line;

04 credits for the dissertation.

The compulsory subjects (DO) must be taken by all students in the program and aim to provide common knowledge about Brazilian education and the production of knowledge, focusing on education and the integration and academic experience of master's students in education.

Mandatory subjects of the course are: Brazilian Education (4 credits) and Research and Education (4 credits). The research seminars (4 credits) are offered by Line and are designed to provide theoretical and methodological delineation of ongoing research. Two sets of research seminars are offered in the second semester of each academic year, composed of master's students and the professor(s) responsible for each line. This curricular component relies on the participation of researchers from UFCG and other universities, who can contribute to the analysis of the processes of knowledge production in the different topics of research in development and allow the exchange of experiences between professors and doctoral students in education.

Elective subjects (ED), in turn, are subjects that are included in the curriculum and can be chosen by doctoral students with the consent of the supervisor. This is a list of subjects offered periodically by the PPGEd, and the student must complete at least three subjects in this modality, for a total of 12 credits. These subjects aim at deepening the studies related to the topics studied in the dissertation and to address the areas of interest of the master's student. Equivalent subjects may be taken in other graduate programs in education or similar fields, provided they are recommended by CAPES and agreed upon with the master's student's advisor.

The electives (4 credits) included in the course syllabus are:

1. Educational Policy in Brazil;

2. Organization and management of education in Brazil;

3. Public School Studies in Brazil;

4. State, Society and Education;

5. Education and Teaching in Brazil;

6. Society, Diversity and Education;

7. Literacy and Education;

8. Identities, Diversity and Education;

9. Language, Education and Diversity;

10. Methodology of Higher Education;

11. Child education, culture and social interaction;

12. Economic-social education and Brazilian education;

13. Education and modern technologies.

Curriculum Structure/Disciplines

Mandatory Subjects:

1. Brazilian Education;

2.Research and Education;

3.Research Seminar - Line 1: Educational history, policy and management

4.Research Seminar - Line 2: Educational Practices and Diversity


1. Educational Policy in Brazil;

2.Organization and Management of Education in Brazil;

3. Public School Studies in Brazil;

4.State, Society and Education;

5.Education and Teaching in Brazil;

6.Society, Diversity and Education;

7. Literacy and Education;

8.Identities, Diversity and Education;

9.Language, Education and Diversity;

10.Methodology of Higher Education;

11.Education, culture and social interaction in childhood;

12. Economic-social education and Brazilian education;

13.Education and modern technologies.

Depending on the needs of the program, new subjects may be created in this modality, provided they are approved by the Course Collegiate. The compulsory and elective subjects, as well as the research seminars, are developed by one or two professors capable of teaching them, depending on the needs of the lines and disciplines.

Admission forms

The selection process for admission to the PPGEd is conducted once a year on the basis of a public call (separate public notice) that specifies, among other things, the standards, the evaluation criteria, the stages, the number of vacancies per line of research, the forms to be used for submitting documentation, and the timetable. In general, the selection process consists of the following steps: written test, presentation of a preliminary research project, and interview. Applicants must follow the publication of the guidelines and results of the selection procedures on the PPGEd website or contact the Program Secretariat through the following electronic address: educacao.mestrado.ppged@setor.ufcg.edu.br

Teaching staff

Line 1: Educational History, Policy and Management

Andréia Ferreira da Silva

Title: Doctor of Education

Post-Doctorate (March 2021- February 2022) State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil.

Email: silvaandreia@uol.com.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Society, state and educational policy. Management and organization of Brazilian education. Policies of training of teachers and other educational professionals. Policies of external evaluation of education and their consequences for the organization of schools, educational systems and for teaching activities.

Antonio Lisboa Leitao de Souza

Title: Doctor in Education (School of Education, University of São Paulo – Mar.2002)

Email: lisboaleitao@gmail.com.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: directs studies and research in education, philosophy, and politics, with emphasis on the following topics: Government and Education Policy; Labour and Teacher Education; Management and Evaluation of Education; Right to Education; Education, Resistance and Alternatives; Education and the Good Life; Indigenous and Quilombola Education; History of School Institutions.

Aparecida Carneiro Pires

Title: Doctor of Education

Post-Doctorate (2020) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Email: cidaufcg2017@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Higher Education, Elementary Education (children), History, Philosophy, Sociology, Body Culture, CAPES, commodification, evaluation, educational reforms, educational policy and management, and teacher education.

Carlos Augusto de Medeiros

Title: Doctor of Education

Email: camedeiros.bsb@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: Works focused on educational policy, democratic management, public policy, participation and social policy, and militarization of public schools of basic education in Brazil.

Denise Xavier Torres

Title: Doctor of Education

Email: denise.xavier@professor.ufcg.edu.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: Works as a researcher at the Center for Studies and Research in Rural Education, Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practices - NUPEFORP, focusing on educational policies and pedagogical practices in dealing with the semi-arid region; field teacher training; teaching processes and teaching knowledge; social peasant movements, curricula, teaching-learning processes, educational assessment with emphasis on learning assessment. Postcolonial studies provide the theoretical foundation.

Joedson Brito dos Santos

Title: Doctor of Education

E-mail: joedson.santos@ufcg.edu.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: Works mainly on the following topics: Education policy, basic education funding, basic education evaluation, early childhood education policy, and conditions for the provision of early childhood education.

Luciana Leandro da Silva

Title: Doctor of Education

Email: luleandro@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: works with emphasis on the following topics: Public policy, teacher education, assessment policy, curriculum policy, educational reform, funding, internationalization and transnationalization in education, comparative education, and higher education pedagogy.

Maria do Socorro Silva

Title: Doctor of Education

E-mail: sucorrosilva@ufcg.edu.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: Directs research related to out-of-school educational processes, rural social movements; teacher education policy; curriculum policy and educational management; history, management, and pedagogical practices in rural education.

Melania Mendonca Rodrigues

Title: Doctor of Education

Email: melania.r@uol.com.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: focused on state and educational policies, history of education, Brazilian education, policies for basic education in contemporary Brazil, history of public school in Brazil; training and teaching occupations.

Niedja Maria Ferreira de Lima

Title: Doctor of Education

Post-Doctorate (March 2021- February 2022) Federal University of São Carlos-Campus Sorocaba, UFSCAR-SO, Brazil.

Email: niedjafl@yahoo.com.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Deaf education; educational policy and history with emphasis on the topics: Teacher training; Training of professionals for deaf education; Public policy of inclusion; History of education and Brazilian public school.

Simone Vieira Batista

Title: Doctor of Education

Email: simone.vieira@professor.ufcg.edu.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: History of education and historiography; education and rural schools; psychopedagogy. Education, resistance and alternatives; memoirs, teachers and school educational practices in schools in Campo do Brejo Paraibano.

Line 2: Educational Practices and Diversity

André Augusto Diniz Lira

Title: Doctor of Education

Post-Doctorate (2017) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Brazil.

Post-Doctorate (2018-2019) Carlos Chagas Foundation, FCC, Brazil.

Email: andreaugustoufcg@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: works with an emphasis on social and professional identities in education; theory of social representations and education; (auto)biographical research in education; bibliographical research on educational concepts. University Education.

Dalila Castelliano de Vasconcelos

Title: PhD in Social Psychology

Email: dalila_bal@hotmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: works mainly with educational psychology, human development and gender; neuroscience and early childhood education; gender, racism, early childhood and early childhood education;

Dorivaldo Alves Salustiano

Title: Doctor of Education

Email: dorivaldo.salustiano@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Disabilities, schooling, and human development; literacy acquisition and development of intellectually disabled people; diversity, difference, and (in)equality in schooling; social-historical psychology and activity theory in early childhood education and the early years of elementary school.

Fabiana Ramos

Title: Doctor of Linguistics

Email: fabiramos.ufcg@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research Areas: Portuguese language teaching and learning in primary education; literacy practices and teacher training; children's literature and reading education; reading practices and construction of teachers' professional identity in initial education;

Fernanda de Lourdes Almeida Leal

Title: Doctor in Sociology

Email: lealfernanda@uol.com.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Rural education; public policies for the provision of early childhood education and multigrade classes; and practices and processes of schooling of peasant populations; preparation and management of pedagogical proposals.

Katia Patricio Benevides Campos

Title: Doctor of Education

Email: katiapbcampos@hotmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: practices of childhood institutionalization ; curricula and pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education: interactions, games, languages, cultural experiences, space and time; school forms and social production of difference in inequality; learning and development of children with intellectual disabilities; Early Childhood Education in Cariri Paraibano.

Lucienio de Macedo Teixeira

Title: Doctor of Education

E-mail: lucienio.teixeira@ufcg.edu.br

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Digital technologies and education; esthetics in arts education; esthetics, art, and politics; art and higher education; sound, noise, and music in early childhood education; artistic languages in early childhood education.

Roziane Marinho Ribeiro

Title: Doctor of Linguistics

Email: rozianem@hotmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Language and pedagogical practices; literacy and teacher education; literacy instruction practices in schools; literacy and literacy processes; linguistic content in textbooks; text genres and literacy practices; teaching orality/orality.

Maria das Graças Oliveira

Title: Doctor of Education

Post-Doctorate (2019 - 2020) Federal University of Paraíba, UFPB, Brazil.

Email: mariaeduc2013@gmail.com

Lattes Curriculum: Access

Research areas: Early childhood education; relationship between the family and the public day care center; teaching and teaching conditions in early childhood education; pedagogical practices in early childhood education; internship in early childhood education.

Research Groups

Research Group on Educational Policy and Management

Institution: UFCG Leader(s): Andréia Ferreira da Silva and Melânia Mendonça Rodrigues

Area: Education http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/6990117769757611

Impact: through the research carried out, the collection of documents and the academic production and dissemination of the studies and research developed by its members, the group's activity will have an impact on: a) undergraduate and postgraduate courses - subsidizing courses and monographs for the completion of courses; b) public education systems - discussing and proposing educational policies and actions to be implemented by these systems; c) academic-scientific community - producing and accumulating knowledge related to educational policy and management in the State of Paraíba. The research group relies on the Laboratory for Studies and Research on Education Policy (LEPPE) as a base for conducting its studies and lines of research: curriculum, school education and teacher training Education: Relationship between the State and Civil Society Education Policy and Management Fundamentals.

Education, Resistance and Alternatives

Institution: UFCG

Leader: Antônio Lisboa Leitão de Souza

Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/1247585892085251

Impact: to contribute to the social and academic role of the UFCG through studies and research on topics and subjects in the field of education that allow, on the one hand, a greater critical understanding of reality and thus the accumulation and socialization of knowledge, and on the other hand, the collective construction of educational and socio-ecological alternatives in an emancipatory perspective and the overcoming of order in search of the Good Life. In addition, the group aims to create a space for greater inter-institutional academic interaction and to network with other research groups at the regional, national and international levels, as well as with social movements and organizations interested in the issues under study. Likewise, the group proposes the process of designing, elaborating and/or consulting public policies in the field of public education and social environment that can be implemented in the different administrative, governmental and institutional areas.

Group of Studies and Research in Educational Policies - GREPPE

Institution: UNICAMP

Leader(s): Theresa Maria de Freitas Adrião, Selma Borghi

Venco Member: Antônio Lisboa leitão de Souza (et all)

Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/7808868906883041

Impact: GREPPE has conducted inter-institutional research on education policy at both the national and international levels, focusing on current relationships between the public and private sectors in the provision, management, and financing of basic education and the implications of these relationships for the right to education; has advised civil society institutions in defending the right to education; has trained researchers; and has presented its work for discussion through participation in national and international events. It also organizes research seminars with external and international guests to deepen the analysis of the issues studied, and promotes the publication of its research results in academic and scientific journals. It organizes the Latin American and African Network of Researchers in the Privatization of Education (ReLAAPPe).

Higher education policy group

Institution: UFRN Leader(s): Alda Maria Duarte Araújo Castro, Antonio Cabral Neto, Antônio Lisboa Leitão de Souza.

Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/9024755579174265

Impact: the work of the research group has contributed to deepen the theoretical studies of higher education at the international, national and local levels. Specifically in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the group has dedicated itself to the study of local realities and their link with trends in educational policies. In this sense, the group has published books, book chapters and articles in professional journals, and has held events to share research results. Main research areas: Education, policy and pedagogical practice.

Study and Research Group History of Education in Paraíba - HISTEDBR/PB

Institution: UFPB

Leader(s): Jean Carlo de Carvalho Costa, Mauricéia Ananias, Melânia Mendonça Rodrigues

Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/7797921050797895

Impact: the research group has focus on historical research on education in Paraíba. Since its inception, it has conducted an inventory and cataloging of sources on the history of education in Paraíba and has published some of this documentation, which has served as a basis for both the researchers of the group itself and external researchers. With several PIBIC and PIVIC projects, a great effort has been made for the training and qualification of new researchers from the undergraduate level. The local group is linked to the national group: Study and Research Group "History, Society and Education in Brazil" - HISTEDBR, coordinated by Dr. Dermeval Saviani from the State College of Campinas - Unicamp.

Deaf Education, Libras and Deaf Literature

Institution: UFCG

Leader(s): Niedja Maria Ferreira de Lima and Shirley Barbosa das Neves Porto

Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/4321989238252307

Impact: This group aims to expand and deepen knowledge of the deaf, libras, and deaf literature for teaching and teacher education, the history of education, educational policy, and deaf literacy, text genres, analysis and descriptive linguistics, didactics of language teaching; sign language productions, adaptations, and translations.

Inclusion and Alterity

Institution: UFPB

Leader(s): Ana Dorziat Barbosa de Mélo and Niedja Maria Ferreira de Lima Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/6336764529792481

Impact: The group seeks to develop ongoing research on inclusion in public network schools by reflecting on the need to consider educational practices as a whole. In this way, it seeks to move beyond concepts based on the binomials of regular school/special school, inclusion/segregation, disability/difference, etc., and moves toward a difference curriculum perspective. Thus, she hopes that the research findings will make an important contribution to elementary education in general and, in particular, to students with marked differences who are traditionally considered to have disabilities.

Management, Curriculum and Educational Policies

Institution: UFPEL

Leader(s): Maria Cecilia Lorea Leite, Álvaro Luiz Moreira Hypolito, Luciana Leandro da Silva

Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/7553642121885058

Impact: This group aims to contribute to the strengthening of the field of curriculum and educational policy by generating knowledge in the areas of planning, management and educational evaluation, the development of methods for policy analysis and evaluation, the development of curricula and the dissemination of methods for strategic planning with public institutions and non�governmental organizations. In this sense, contributions are proposed in the field of evaluation of basic and higher education, higher education pedagogy, curriculum policy, management and school power.

Group of Studies and Research in Public Policies, Education and Society- GPPES

Institution: UNICAMP

Leader(s): Gabriela Guarnieri de Campos Tebet, Antonio Carlos Dias Junior, Luciana Leandro da Silva

Area: Sociology - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/2165174087004845

Impact: the group is a space for education, debate and research on education policy at local, national, regional and international levels. It proposes to study educational policies in Brazil and in other countries through the following themes: the process of formulation, regulation and implementation of public policies; institutional changes at different levels and modalities of the educational system and school; the socio-political theories that deal with the relationships between the state, society and education and the processes of internationalization and participation of social movements; always from an interdisciplinary perspective. The GPPE seeks to participate in bilateral agreements and in national and international academic-scientific associations.

Art, Education and New Technologies

Institution: UFCG

Leader(s): Luciênio de Macêdo Teixeira, Paulo Matias de Figueiredo

Júnior Area: Linguistics, Letters and Arts; Art - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/2548846721654912

Impact: the group proposes to unravel the arts as a means and end for education and to make the best use of the concepts associated with this relationship, as well as a better understanding between media and art - theory - and its practical application in media such as theater, dance, cinema/ TV /video, music, photography and visual arts in general.

Unified Research Group in Arts and Music – GRUNAMUS

Institution: UFCG

Leader(s): Vladimir Alexandro Pereira Silva, Luciênio de Macêdo Teixeira

Area: Linguistics, Letters and Arts; Art http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/0227668418317346

Impact: GRUNAMUS aims to develop research activities related to the arts in general and to music in its most diverse fields, focusing on music interpretation and analysis, music pedagogy, the relationship between music, cinema, theater, literature, and technology, as well as to stimulate reflection, especially on aspects related to the teaching of art, artistic performance, and art criticism in their multiple configurations, and to support the activities of UFCG's extension, undergraduate, and graduate programs.

Educational Practices and Literacy

Institution: UFCG

Leader(s): Maria de Fatima Alves, Dorivaldo Alves Salustiano, Fabiana Ramos

Members: Kátia Patrício Benevides Campos, Roziane Marinho Ribeiro Silvia Roberta da Mota Rocha

Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/8648743368885284 Impact: The group aims to understand the ideas, actions, and meanings of the educational practices of different social groups in situations of knowledge production, especially in relation to the different domains of literacy. The research developed may have an impact 1) in undergraduate and graduate programs - through the initial and/or continuing training of their students and education professionals who work or will work in social realities 2) in educational networks - through the analysis and/or elaboration of educational policies and/or proposals; and 3) in the scientific community - through the access, production and dissemination of knowledge.

Society, Culture and Education

Institution: UFCG

Leader(s): André Augusto Diniz Lira, Dorivaldo Alves Salustiano Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/3565239562210531

Impact: the group develops studies and research in dialogue between developmental psychology, social psychology and sociology of culture; due to its interdisciplinary nature, it focuses on ethnic, racial and generational diversity and inequality, on educational practises, on social representations and identities.

Group of studies and research on childhood, early childhood education and plural contexts – Grão

Institution: UFCG

Leader(s): Fernanda de Lourdes Almeida Leal, Kátia Patrício Benevides Campos

Area: Education - http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/3638472346696533 Impact: The group proposes to examine the supply and demand conditions of rural early childhood education and related issues such as: Curriculum, pedagogical practices and teacher training; Relationship between families and early childhood education institutions; Children, contexts and subjectification processes.

Diploma issuance

PPGEd degrees are issued by the Dean of Graduate Studies/PRPG at UFCG. The PPGEd Secretariat is only responsible for reviewing the documents and transmitting the process and subsequent delivery (after issuance) to the students.

Scholarships - General Information

The PPGEd has scholarships provided by the CAPES Social Demand Program - DS, whose objective is to train highly qualified human resources necessary for the country by providing stricto sensu graduate programs with adequate conditions for the development of their activities. The basic instrument of DS is the granting of scholarships to stricto sensu postgraduate programs, determined on the basis of the results of the monitoring and evaluation system coordinated by CAPES, so that they employ full-time students with excellent academic performance. The number of fellowships varies depending on the availability of CAPES and other funding institutions such as the government foundations supporting scientific and technological research and development. The criteria for the distribution of scholarships can be found in the relevant resolutions of the UFCG and the PPGEd itself ( Resolution PPGEd/UFCG no. 001/2019 - Granting and Renewal of Scholarships for PPGEd/UFCG Students). The scholarships have a maximum duration of 24 months for academic master's programs, and the scholarship holder must complete a teaching internship in accordance with the rules of CAPES.