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Scholarships - General Information

De Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação

The PPGEd has scholarships provided by the CAPES Social Demand Program - DS, whose objective is to train highly qualified human resources necessary for the country by providing stricto sensu graduate programs with adequate conditions for the development of their activities. The basic instrument of DS is the granting of scholarships to stricto sensu postgraduate programs, determined on the basis of the results of the monitoring and evaluation system coordinated by CAPES, so that they employ full-time students with excellent academic performance. The number of fellowships varies depending on the availability of CAPES and other funding institutions such as the government foundations supporting scientific and technological research and development. The criteria for the distribution of scholarships can be found in the relevant resolutions of the UFCG and the PPGEd itself ( Resolution PPGEd/UFCG no. 001/2019 - Granting and Renewal of Scholarships for PPGEd/UFCG Students). The scholarships have a maximum duration of 24 months for academic master's programs, and the scholarship holder must complete a teaching internship in accordance with the rules of CAPES.